Ny organisasjon i Nord-Amerika, stiftet 2022, tuftet over samme lest som VetSustain i England. Her er et og annet nyttig og til bli inspirert av!
Om seg selv skriver de:
«The Veterinary Sustainability Alliance (VSA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting animal and human health by promoting sustainability. Founded in 2022, VSA seeks to fill a well-recognized gap; animal health professionals including veterinarians, students and clinical staff are concerned about the impacts of climate change and other environmental harms but feel unprepared to act given their lack of formal education and paucity of centralized resources.
VSA operates in both USA and Canada, sharing resources wherever possible because we are more alike than different. By aligning the animal health community, a diverse group of private practitioners, academics, industry professionals, and students, to work together and with our colleagues in human health, VSA will help alter the course of climate change’s impact on human and animal health. We invite you to explore our page and get involved!«